Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kabalarian Philosophy

Once in a while, I check the meaning of a name through this site, Kabalarian Philosophy only to realize today that it also analyzes the significance of birthdate.

Birthdate Significance

Beginning to search for the significance of my birthdate and I stumbled on this site, Secret language. Explore! Meanwhile, another site, Search For Light tells me to give attention on doing spiritual work on my birthday  "For the Lord lifts us on this day to the highest region possible so that our soul which is a portion of that Eternal Flame, may be united and identified with its Origin."


For about 5 to 6 years now, I've been conscious of number 11:11 appearing before me. Then I stumbled on numerology that tells of its significance. This blog Angel Numbers serves as a reference. The first one I check on to  is Spiritual Path.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Inelia Benz

Interesting find: Inelia Benz. Her unique experience is fascinating. Yet, she says we are all uniquely human as she is. She is a soul that came to our planet to raise it's vibrational level. It's beyond ordinary talk. Have a glimpse.

Neville Goddard

I must have been listening to a podcast of a radio station on Spiritual treasures of other traditions when I heard a mention of Neville Goddard. Research led me to this site,, now added to my links. Imagination is central to his practice. Nothing is impossible with imagination. Dig & discover for yourself. It's fascinating.